Wiktor Gorazdowski: Prace
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 42 x 29 centimeters
- Price: PLN 2500
Ukojenie dla zbłąkanej duszy
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 29 x 42 centimeters
- Price: PLN 2400
Wychowanie w świętości Upbringing In Holiness
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 29 x 42 centimeters
- Price: PLN 2400
Święta Fryzosława Saint Coiffeuse
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 42 x 29 centimeters
- Price: PLN 2400
Kiedy dojdziesz do końca, zacznij od początku When You Get to the End, Start from the Beginning
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 56 x 44 centimeters
- Price: PLN 1200
Nie jest nietaktem, wozić ukochaną dwutaktem
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 29 x 42 centimeters
- Price: PLN 2400
Rodzina Kapeluszników The Hatter Family
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 30 x 42 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Pociąg do Hardcoru Train to Hardcore
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 61 x 43 centimeters
- Price: PLN 1200
Konklawisz Conclavis
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 30 x 42 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Jam Session
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 30 x 42 centimeters
- Price: PLN 2400
Biada tym, co na Niego patrzą, słuchają Go i nie pojmują Woe Unto Those Who Look at Him, Listen to H
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 42 x 30 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Akt zawierzenia rodzicielskiego Act of Parental Entrustment
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 61 x 48 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Ten pobyt był bardzo udany This stay was very successful
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 61 x 48 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Póki serce bije As Long as the Heart Beats
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 80 x 62 centimeters
- Price: PLN 1200
Powrót panicza Return of the Young Master
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 80 x 62 centimeters
- Price: PLN 1200
Pościg na miarę możliwości The Best Possible Chase
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 61 x 48 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Nocny portier Night Manager
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 61 x 48 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Nieoczekiwani goście Unexpected Guests
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 48 x 61 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Litość, zdumienie, pogarda i zazdrość Mercy, Wonder, Contempt and Envy
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 42 x 29 centimeters
- Price: PLN 2500
Koncert hydrofoniczny Hydrophonic Concert
Detale i cena
- Medium: Fineliner and marker on paper
- Size: 48 x 61 centimeters
- Price: PLN 900
Co kryje horyzont czasowy What the Time Horizon Hides
Detale i cena
- Medium: Felt-tip pen and a fineliner on paper
- Size: 61 x 43 centimeters
- Price: PLN 1200
Życie na dnie, to ocean możliwości Life at the Bottom Is an Ocean of Possibilities
Detale i cena
- Medium: Felt-tip pen and a fineliner on paper
- Size: 61 x 43 centimeters
- Price: PLN 1200
Studium kumulacji bodźców Stimulus Cumulation Study
Detale i cena
- Medium: Felt-tip pen and a fineliner on paper
- Size: 61 x 43 centimeters
- Price: PLN 1200
Nie ma jak u Mamy There’s No Place Like Mother’s Home