Artists of the Gallery Art: Daniel Zarewicz
Daniel Zarewicz
Born in 1977. Classical philologist. 2002 – master’s degree, on the basis of the first Polish translation of The Orphic Hymns. 2013 – doctorate, with the dissertation Przywoływanie Bogów – mit, magia, misteria w starożytnej Grecji – studium religijności starożytnych Greków [Invoking the Gods – Myth, Magic and Mysteries in Ancient Greece – a Study of the Religious Practices of Ancient Greeks] (published 2017).
Painter, philosopher, photographer. Daniel Zarewicz deserves to be called a Renaissance man. With boundless energy, he translates the world into colourful cut-outs, works that, in his version, can be art, designer baubles, as well as spot-on commentary on reality. Lover of and expert on antiquity, he has discovered the collage for himself as a form of self-expression.