Jolanta Wagner: Essays
Artist: Jolanta Wagner
The Every-Day Life
I draw all the time, almost with no break. Drawing is my every-day life. Drawings are records of this life. When drawing, I use my private history, experiences of every-day life. I am saving my life and creating a kind of documentary: diaries, calendars, books, maps…notes of every-day things. Things objectively tiny and of small importance, important for me only.
Artist: Jolanta Wagner
By Ewa Toniak
If the history of architecture can be compared to a “collection of fiction”, because every new interpretation idealizes our knowledge regarding the past, then Jolanta Wagner’s works “The History of Cities” always viewed from afar, from a distance that lifts us literally, mocks the very laws of optics, in an inverted order.
Artist: Jolanta Wagner
By Jacek Dehnel
In the fourth year of his reign, in the year 658 since the founding of the city, the illustrious Prince Atti-Bus’Dinah, eighteen years old at the time, summoned the Greek architect Eleucos of Naxos to the palace and instructed him to extend the south wing, from the Gryphon Courtyard to the orchards of Hermites.
Artist: Jolanta Wagner
The Charm of Life
Abandoned routine transformed into an affirmation of everyday life: the last sip of coffee in a coffee cup is a memory of the morning, a map – an echo of a simple stroll or perhaps a longer journey. Jola Wagner not only sees, but also perceives.