Artists of the Gallery Art: Agnieszka Sandomierz
Agnieszka Sandomierz
Born in 1978 in Warsaw. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Graduated (Distinction) in 2003 under tutorage of Prof Wiesław Szamborski. Since 2005 has worked as a teaching assistant at her alma mater.
Erotica and intimacy on the borderline with physiology – there is no taboo in Agnieszka Sandomierz’s works. “When I paint I deal with my own carnality, I want to have a look at myself – she says – however, looking at the painting is not the same as looking in the mirror. A painting is a synthesis”. In Sandomierz’s art there is the pop-art partiality to brands and gadgets, to the ‘commonness’ of gestures and scenes. A decorative character of her works is quite often emphasized by the ornament and flat swathes of colour bringing up from the background the silhouettes of women, men and animals.