Artists of the Gallery Art: Adam Korszun
Adam Korszun
Born in 1970 in Biala Podlaska. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Graduated in 1997 under tutorage of Prof Jan Tarasin and Prof Gustaw Zemła.
His work is erotic, perverse but never vulgar. Korszun paints small intimate pieces portraying women’s faces with closed eyes and half open mouths. He often paints from the photos he’s taken or magazines or the single frames of a porn movie (hence some of the paintings bear the cold bluish monitor light). He writes short captions on the canvas: “I’m not thinking of anything else” or “Do you remember these sounds?” It’s his intimate diary, a log of dreams, unfulfilled desires and erotic obsessions.
He lives at the outskirts of Western civilization, in provincial Biala Podlaska. Nevertheless it is Eros and Tanatos – the old obsessions of fin de siècle that seem to be poignantly topical over there instead of unemployment and lack of perspectives.