An Uncontrollable Midsummer Night’s Dream
After last year’s retrospective exhibition in BWA Gallery in Bielsko-Biała, Krzysztof Kokoryn was once more given space that allowed him to go crazy again. This time it was in the Slovak town of Liptovský Mikuláš, in Michal Bohun’s Gallery.

For two summer months he planted a forest of paintings in the 470-square-metre gallery. Visitors started their journey in a forest full of lush green trees and would end up in a red, autumn wood.

Kokoryn prepared a series of red forest landscapes called Kalamita (named after one of the hurricanes in the Tatras) especially for the Slovakian exhibition. An uncontrollable midsummer night’s dream of the artist, however, would be incomplete without his beloved animals and musicians.

The typically Kokoryn choice of motifs, horror vacui in lines, colours and motifs is like an optimistic breath, a waft or even maybe a hurricane of excellent painting.

The exhibition of paintings by Krzysztof Kokoryn entitled An Uncontrollable Midsummer Night’s Dream in the Slovak town of Liptovský Mikuláš took place within the framework of international co-operation between Bielsko-Biała Museum and Peter Michal Bohun’s Gallery.
Exhibition date: 15th May – 15th July 2009