Authors of published texts: Piotr Oczko
About the author
Piotr Oczko
Born in 1973 in Kraków. A graduate of the Jagiellonian University. English philologist, Polish philologist, Dutch philologist, culture expert, art historian and translator. Professor of humanities employed at the Jagiellonian University. Author of numerous studies and scientific monographs. He is a member of CODART, an international network for art historians and curators of art from the Low Countries.
He studied English Philology (M.A. thesis: The Representations of Faust in English Romantic Literature, 1997) and Polish Philology (MA thesis: 'Chess' by Jan Kochanowski. Between the History of Literature and the History of the Game, 2000).
His doctoral dissertation, a comparative study on Joost van den Vondel's Lucifer, was defended in 2002. He has conducted research at the universities of Leiden, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Antwerp, London and Berlin and was a visiting professor at Charles University in Prague in 2006. His academic interests cover above all literature and culture of the Dutch-speaking countries; old Polish, English, and German literature; tragedy and the tragic in European literature up to the seventeenth century; medieval drama; literature and the question of evil; New Historicism; national identity and stereotypes; art history: seventeenth-century genre Dutch painting, functional arts and crafts of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, old Dutch pottery – especially tiles, emblem books; and LGBT studies.
Professor Piotr Oczko is the author of many papers on the history of Dutch and Polish literature and art, and a translator from English, German and Dutch into Polish (e.g. Mariken van Nieumeghen, 1998; Joost van den Vondel, Lucifer, 2002; B. Jezernik, Wilde Europe. The Balkans in the Gaze of Western Travellers, 2007; J. Huizinga, Dutch Civilisation in the 17th Century and Other Essays, 2008; F. Westerman, Ararat, 2009, Notes amsterdamski – Amsterdam Notebook, 2016).
Selected publications
- Pocztówka z Mokum. 21 opowieści o Holandii (2021)
- Miniaturowe światy. Historia domków dla lalek (2021)
- Bezem en kruis. De Hollandse schoonmaakcultuur of de geschiedenis van een obsessie (2020)
- Holandia. Książka do pisania (2019)
- Holenderskie flizy na dawnych ziemiach polskich i ościennych, t. I: Umywalnia na Zamku Wysokim w Malborku. Jej historia i wystrój (razem z Janem Pluisem, 2018)
- Holenderskie flizy na dawnych ziemiach polskich i ościennych, t. II: Mody i wnętrza (2018)
- Gabinet Farfurowy w Pałacu w Wilanowie. Studium historyczno-ikonograficzne (razem z Janem Pluisem, 2013)
- Miotła i krzyż. Kultura sprzątania w dawnej Holandii, albo historia pewnej obsesji (2013)
- Homoseksualność staropolska (razem z Tomaszem Nastulczykiem, 2012)
- Życie i śmierć doktora Fausta, złego czarnoksiężnika, w literaturze angielskiej od wieku XVI po romantyzm(2010)
- W najdroższej Holandyjej… Szkice o siedemnastowiecznym dramacie i kulturze niderlandzkiej (2009)
- Mit Lucyfera. Literackie dzieje Upadłego Anioła od starożytności po wiek XVII (2005).