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Tworki, Wydawnictwo Sic!, Warszawa 1999
Oczy Dürera. O melancholii romantycznej, Wydawnictwo Sic!, Warszawa 2002
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Książka twarzy, Świat książki – Weltbild Polska, Warszawa 2011
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Texts published in
On Adam Patrzyk
Our fascination with the world portrayed by Adam Patrzyk comes quickly, and it brings with it a question: Should we be wary of these places, or should we be drawn to them? This is magical painting, which means that it arouses a vague desire to enter the paintings, to reside in their spaces, without knowing—not right away—whether for good or ill. As is often the case, the first thing we experience is a sense of déjà vu: we see what, tentatively, we already know has been painted and told by others before.
In 2017, Jacek Łydżba came across a stack of old opera programmes and music notebooks at a used book shop. Yellowed, ragged, nibbled by time, visually magnificent, they additionally provided a record of history.