Trees – corals. So colouristically exotic in the Polish landscape, and yet of familiar, almost Mazovian shapes… Phenomenal pseudo-willows, artefact-like organisms glaring with internal energy. A colourful colony of luminous quasi-botanical specimens.
By Lena Wicherkiewicz
Artist: Darek Pala
Concentric circles with multicoloured fragments, overlapping colours, luminosity, spinning impressions and kaleidoscopic volatility – the geometric compositions of Małgorzata Jastrzębska stem from the experience of the great abstractionists of the twentieth century – Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Francis Picabia and Frantisek Kupka. In her paintings, the colour is the form and the motif and the luminous spheres of purple and cadmium yellow, rose and green, black and white unfold according to a rigorous structure.
By Lena Wicherkiewicz
Artist: Małgorzata Jastrzębska