Artists of the Gallery Art: Dariusz Mlącki
Dariusz Mlącki
Born in 1963 in Warsaw. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. Graduated in 1989 under tutorage of Prof Tadeusz Dominik and Prof Ryszard Winiarski.
The starting point for Dariusz Mlącki’s painting is always an object – an envelope, a light switch, a door or a mirror. Painted in an illusionary way, they strongly interact with the space of the interior that stresses even further their surrealistic atmosphere. As a result the artist in balancing on the verge of minimalist geometrical abstraction and figuration. The painting theme, limited colour range – shades of white, gray, black and brown, the matter of light in the painting bring the artist closer to the work of Morandi. Mlącki’s paintings, the masterpiece eye-traps, have many layers meaning-wise as well as formally.